Work, home, and play. It's all connected now. Get prepared BEFORE an attack!


Cyber Crime Activity on the Rise

Cyber attacks are on the rise and it's not only some kid stowed away in his parent's basement, but fully funded and trained cyber attack teams, many of whom are state sponsored. Their targets vary greatly, depending on the chosen objectives. Financial gain, credit card fraud, industrial, commercial and personal espionage, power grid disruption, disinformation and misinformation, and other reasons. Due to the rising costs of these disruptive crimes, there is a greater need today, now more than ever, to secure your business and even your home assets. Finding these vulnerabilities and mitigating them is more important now than it was even three years ago.

Beyond the Office

We have come to recognize that over the past decade, and last three years in particular, Work-From-Home options have skyrocketed. Many of the security challenges businesses faced became clear that the threat had extended to employee and employer homes and home offices. During our engagments, you'll learn things not only regarding your business, but things about the personal habits of you and your employees that can produce a benefit at home. We take the risks home with us everyday from work and our chidlren bring those same risks home with them everyday from school and other daily activities.

Secuirty at Home

We are happy to announce a program that will be run for our residential communities. During our engagments, you'll learn things not only regarding your business, but things about personal habits of you and your employees that can produce a benefit at home. Encompass Solutions Group will be offering home assessments at a discounted rate to our customers and their employees. At a significant reduction in costs, this service will arm the household with information that will help them stay safe and secure at home and at work.